Its the weekend again! And time is flying by as usual. Can't believe EOY is so near around the corner - and here I am still, slacking. Just watched "Fated to love you" online again... Spent quite a lot of time doing that =X
Well, lets look on the
bright side! Monday is going to be teacher day celebration and there's no school on Tuesday because its teacher day! Then next Saturday day will bring about a 1 week holidays - though still have to go back to school... Well, after the holidays... lets NOT think about it! heheThink I'm going to sleep soon. Disappointed that wasn't able to go buy gifts with mdc ppl! =( But at least I spent some time with my mother... something I've not done for quite some time, haiz. Looking forward to 2moro with crystal and going to church after that!
I needed Jesus @ | 12:11 AM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Had B@S today =) Please let our idea work! Rawrs! During which I went back to class and attempted to retrieve my storybook that I left in class -.- In the end my hand was too short and I gave up the attempt. Haiz...Then then then went to talk with Mr Chew. After which went and have lunch with him + dawn + sherry. Mr Chew did something in his car during the journey! Hint Hint! After that went popular and went home, changed and went to church. So tiredzzz! Think I shall stop blogging now. Do NOT want to have keyboard keys' marks on my face! ;D
I needed Jesus @ | 9:31 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Whoo~ Am posting now thanks to Yu Hui! For those of you all experiencing problems with blogger, try pressing ctrl + F5! It worked for me! =DD
Been quite tired recently... Loads of tests and not enough time! Esp for me to sleep! Rawrs! Physics teacher juz went up to me and asked me how I thought the last test was... I went like "ok ok lah" Then she was like, "ok, nvm, I tomorrow then tell you" which means I confrim die already! T.T Last term physics still passed, now dunnoe what happened... Dun want to go to school tomorrow le!
Hehe, dawn, running at night not bad lah. =P Though no star tonight... Dun even have the national flag (then we could have seen 5 more stars!). Only 1 star... Hahas. Bet you're sleeping now... Gonna go sleep soon too! =)
P.S. Shall post marnia barrage's photos up when I feel like it since I can post photos already! =)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:06 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Super long time never post! Couldn't upload these photos which is like... long overdue! Hahas.
Bringing to you... the models for xxx toothpaste brand! Let thier bright smiles dazzle you! Whoo!
Disclaimer: There will be no 'modeling fees' ;D

Model 1... Vivian!

Model 2... Hardi!

Model 3... Kelvin!
I needed Jesus @ | 2:48 PM