Mdm Liew made the announcement. The whole school was quiet. I didn't feel anything, not at that time. I was simply numb. Simply thinking that its still not true. Chinese lessons for once was quiet. Seriously quiet. After that was Amaths retest. Wrong timing. Didn't study and didn't care. At least I did attempt the questions after thinking about handing up a blank paper.
B@S took her off my mind for a while. However, our efforts wasn't rewarded and we didn't win. At least it wasn't elimination round. Went back to photo cca for a while. Everyone seemed much better, though the damage can still be seen. Life... suddenly took a turn. For the worse.
2moro's the last time I'm ever going to see her. Claudia, I'll miss you, a whole lot. You've left a hole in my heart, but time'll heal it. How long? I duno. Dun wanna think about 2moro. Its a pity you've left so young. =( Hope that your 14 years of life was fufilling and meaningful. You'll be in our hearts forever.
I needed Jesus @ | 9:57 PM
In memory of her...
This is too sudden, far too sudden. Its something I've never thought would happen. Life seems so fragile. Questions? There was. I just didn't know if I really wanted to know. I just couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that she's gone, just like that. She walked out of our lives and left a gaping hole there.
It made me realise how precious our lives are. I didn't anticipate something like this. It is a huge shock to all of us. Stunned, shocked, dumbfounded. Words didn't work. Tears simply came. Everything was in a blur. Everyone was in pain. Those words... so often heard. These scence, so often seen. Yet, for the first time, I felt the pain brought along by death.
I'll remember you, I promise. No matter where you are, I hope that you're in heaven and at peace. The times we spent together wasn't long. But it wun be forgotten.
This made me realise that I should treasure everyone around me more. Every single one. Those unspoken words will never be spoken anymore. The chance has passed, all too fast. Only thing to do is to accept and live with it. Its tough, I know, but do stay strong. Everyone, do take care of yourselves. Rest more. Time will eventually ease the pain.
I needed Jesus @ | 9:18 PM
ok, just realised I am afraid of cockroaches after all. Was bathing just now when 1 flew in from nowhere. Gave me a shock la... In the end hurriedly like dressed and then went out. Brother took Baygon and sprayed the cockroach. Mum took it out using plastic bag.
short and random post! gonna get back to my chinese ATT compo or else I can forget about sleeping...
I needed Jesus @ | 10:54 PM
Super tired now but decided to blog before I sleep. Super long post ahead!
Yesterday went to Hui Feng's house for a sleepover. Decided to watch "He's Just Not That Into You". The only place showing this movie was Cineleisure Orchard and we hurried down to catch the 7.20pm show, only to find that all tickets were sold out when we reached.
Hui Feng suggested we watch "Push" instead as "Paul Blart Mall Cop" was all sold out too. Made it a little ahead of time for "Push". It turned out to be a thriller which was very nice indeed. Glad to have enjoyed it =)
After which we went walking around at 9.30pm. Walked to MacDonalds and talked quite a while over the phone with Vanessa before buying a McChicken each and left for Hui Feng's house. Was settling the photoshoot thing too while walking to the mrt.
Reached Hui Feng's house at around.. 11plus plus pm. After which talked with Zai Cheng and Kelvin the phone till 1.15am. Phone went from 80+% to 18%. Ate the McChicken and then went to the poolside to chat with Hui Feng. Was pretty relaxing. If only everyday could be like that... Sighs.
Was around 2 plus am when we went back to Hui Feng's house and we tried to do some homework. Fly found articles for my English Journal while I attempted a Maths question which I gave up after thinking about it for 3 minutes or so. Realised that my brain totally do NOT function well when I'm sleepy!
At around 3.30am went to cook Maggie Mee with Fly cos we felt like eating sth. It was super spicy but we finished up 1 packet pretty quickly between us. After which we cooked another 2 packet. It was downed with cold water to cool down my taste buds...
Decided to catch some sleep at long last after we finished eating. By that time it was already 5am. Was so tired that I feel asleep like after lying on the bed for 5 minutes? Hui Feng whacked me with the bolster though. That woke me up alright. So I hit her with the cow and woke HER up. Both of us were asleep within minutes though.
Offed my phone and didn't set alarm to save battery. Turned out that Fly pressed on the stop button instead of the snooze button and we both hurried to get ready, so we woke up at 7.20am instead of 7am. Supposed to morning call all 3 of them at 7am. Hurriedly on my phone and morning called Zen Yee and Kelvin. Zai Cheng was already up by then. (my apologies!) Arrived in school 20 minutes past 8am.
Kelvin was the 1st to be waiting outside the com lab. Hui Feng had to run 1 round around the parade square for being late. (opps!) She was pretty tired and yawned like 5 times during the journey to school. Zai Cheng and Zen Yee arrived soon after that then we went to the coffee shop to eat breakfast.
That pretty sums up the slpover and a bit of the next morning. This post's already too long so I'll juz stop here!
I needed Jesus @ | 6:51 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Liked this picture the best(besides Glen being blocked...). If you wan to see the other photos, go to the others' blog! Did photoshoot in the morning yesterday. Many thanks to Hui Feng, Vincent, Yu Ting and Jia Hui for being the models and to Vivian for being a great help! Thought up of more themes and all, hopefully will be able to take the photos in time and not delay the deadline again...
Went to MacDonalds for lunch, yum yum. After which spent quite some time deciding where to go. Saw a dead bird underneath a tree. Was quite poor thing. In the end decided to go to Vivocity Skypark to play! Yu Hui wanted to go home and do her art which still had quite a lot, but still went with us in the end. (Hopefully she was able to finish her art!)
Reached Vivo at 4 plus? Was still quite sunny. Found a shady area to leave our things and down we went into the water to play! Initially agreed that we should NOT get wet, though it didn't happen of course XD
splashing in the water, I was able to forget everything... Which is why I enjoyed it so much I guess, to have nothing on my mind and do as I wish! Glad that someone didn't come along... Have the feeling that it wouldn't be as fun if the person did come. I dun wanna hurt you, but I can't bring myself to accept you. Pls, give up.
Back to splashing in the water. Time really flies when we have fun. It was soon 5.15pm and we dried off till 6.30pm. Talked, took photos and played the staring game. Went home at 6.30pm. Mum wasn't at home so she didn't see me all wet =) Tired when I reached home so I didn't do much for the whole night... Still slacking and relunctant to touch any homework...
P.S. Get well soon and enjoy your trip, Casper!
Lord, I need you. Life without you means nothing.
I needed Jesus @ | 10:33 AM
March holidays are here! Time for me to catch up and organise myself. Hereby apologising to my teachers (esp Mr Lee!), B@S mates, my english ATT group, Ming En and my CCA for being ever so busy and neglecting alot of things.
I WILL try to sort and get things organise during this very short hols... Happy Birthday, Hui Feng! To B@S mates: Do rest more! If not we'll rename and call ourselves the Pandas instead... =P
I needed Jesus @ | 10:09 PM
Hiya! blog blog blog blog. As expected, most (almost all) banner photos got rejected... Haiz haiz. CCA is still as fun as ever though! But I could see that most of us were really tired and badly need sleep and to clear our homework, revision, tests etc etc.
Anyway, keep going everyone! The 1 week march holidays are arriving in a couple of days' time! Really looking forward to using the time to relax, unwind, recharge, clear and organise my things, clear my homework, go out with friends, and SLEEP!
I needed Jesus @ | 9:21 PM
Back from Media Camp! It was fun~ Although the activities were somewhat the same, the fact that the TLs were so high made it fun. =) Did get closer to other TLs I think, and some of my group members. Wasn't really bonded with the rest of my group members too, sadly.
Media Camp may be tiring but I can see that the camp comm. put in effort to achieve it too. The amazing race at Pasir ris beach was pretty amazing too. Started raining and was under the shelter with group 2 and 4. Started raining with lightning flashing and thunder roaring. Hid under the shelter for 1h? The place got struck by lightning I think and the electricity was cut off...
Media camp may just be a little too short for me. Was having so much fun though I have to admit I was quite tired. Many thanks to Yu Hui and the other TLs for hypering with me! ^.^
Came home, bathed and was so tired that I slept all the way till 12.30am. Thank goodness I woke up if not I'll be dead for not doing English... Going to unpack and head for bed again! Bye~
I needed Jesus @ | 1:36 AM
A big thank you to Yu Hui, Vivian, Zai Cheng, Zen Yee and Casper for staying back today to help out with the banner taking... SPECIAL thanks to Yu Hui and Vivian who did most of the work! I do enjoy going out with House of Kitten and my CCA mates! It feels nice that they are all willing to stay back... As in like we are at least like bonded or something. Thank you to Mr Tang too for extending the dateline... Tests tests and more tests coming up. Owing a fair amount of maths homework yet again. Haiz haiz. Thank God the maths test is postponed to Wednesday and the English Written Proposal is only due on 11 March! yay~
I needed Jesus @ | 9:21 PM