Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday - 29/11/08 (setting off)Slept at around 12.45am and woke up at 5.40am. Got ready and left house. Walked to mrt and took train. Alighted at potong pasir and met up with Christopher, Ansel, Joshua, their mother Sally and their cousin Ren Jie. Arrived at harbour front and went to MacDonald to meet up with the rest of the group. Boarded the ferry and arrived at Batam. Waited for an hour (had some food while waiting) before boarding a smaller ship to Batu. The smaller ship was like super overcrowded la. They oversold the tickets, resulting in some poor people having to stand. There was also like 4 or 5 policeman on board. Finally arrived in Batu and headed for the church before heading to the hotel. The hotel wasn't too bad. Much much better than expected. Went for lunch then to church before heading off for the orphanage there. Thoses kids are really poor things... They were all barefooted and there was like 6 or 7 people in a small house/hut. Almost all were kids. The place was super muddy. The kids walked around barefooted and were quite happy to see us there. Made me feel so fortunate to have all the things I need and even more than what I need. =) Phebe's slipper was stuck in the mud and she broke it when she forced it out. She had no choice but to walk barefooted for the next few hours... Poor thing!Sang songs and twisted many many balloon dogs. Also gave out lollipops. After that we left for the beach. The sand is very nice but the water seemed kinda polluted. Didn't go into the sea though. Just walked about, soaking up the atmosphere and taking a few shots (borrowing boon chuan's camera). Went back to hotel, bathed and went for dinner and fixed a christmas tree and decorated it. After which went back to hotel and that's when the fun starts! =P After bathing (for the rest who haven't), they came over to our room where we played cards and watched television. Was surprised that Indonesia could receive Singapore shows! Got tau poked cos I lost a game (with lots of pillows! ) so it was still ok besides not really being able to breath... Worked hard at not losing since then. XD. In the end some of them left and only Rk, Zx, Yf, Joshua, Phebe and I were left playing. Got bored of tau pok and set penalty as pumping instead (which is why my arms are aching!). I think Zx and Rk did the most. I didn't care about standard push ups, but did girls, not standard push ups :X (but it is STILL painful. Esp tat time when I had to do 40...) That was like super fun. Can train and play at the same time. Hehe. Asked Yf to send Joshua back to sleep and he came back like 5 minutes later saying that Joshua is fast asleep. He continued playing with us till... 4 plus am or something like tat. Zx was asleep by then I think, or maybe just half asleep with all the ruckus we were making. Haha. My brain wasn't functioning too well due to lack of sleep and I was like lagging or something. Offed the lights but Rk and I didn't want to sleep so we chatted from around 5am to 5.20 plus plus am. (I was slping at corner of the bed, Zx was at the left side of the bed, Phebe in the middle and Yf at the right side of the bed. I was like at their feet there. Rk was sleeping on the floor cos no more space already. He used the cushion from the sofa seat and back though.) Wanted to stay till 6am but could feel myself falling asleep,what with lying down in the dark. Silence soon resumed and we all feel asleep. Sunday - 30/11/08 (Home Sweet Home)Woke up at around 6.20am. Was freezing (most of us were, esp since it was raining). Hopped in for a quick shower shivering throughout. Dressed in Jeans and Jacket and Socks and turned off the air-con and soon became warm. Overall slpt for 1 h? Christopher slept for same amt and Phebe and Ansel about the same too. Zheng Xiang slept a bit longer I think. Went for breakfast. Didn't feel like eating so shared fried kuay teow with Phebe. Both of us ate around half plate and didn't want to eat anymore.Had service in Church followed by participating in the children service. Went back hotel packed after that and came back to church where we had our lunch and went to take the small boat to Batam. Waited for around 15 - 30 min. There was like people smoking all over the place and we tried avoiding them. Boarded the boat, arrived in Batam and boarded the ferry back to Singapore. Slpt during the 1 h journey this time and actually felt refreshed after that. Went to have dinner and headed back home. Currently typing out this post with half opened eyelids. Sry if you can't understand. My brain needs rest! Just to sum it up, I had a fantastic time there and I love youth camps! Also want to thank Jesus for blessing me on this trip and keeping me safe throughtout! =D
I needed Jesus @ | 10:19 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Group photo of the Malaysia mission trip! =)
I needed Jesus @ | 7:08 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Back from Johor for the mission trip. Dun think it's considered a mission trip though. It was relaxing, fun and more like a bonding thing.
Friday - 21/11/08 (Setting off to Johor)Arrived in Church at around... 0800? 0815? Waited, prayed then set off at around 0900. Journey was kinda short. Or at least it felt real short. Reached the church there, put down our luggage and rested for a while. Helped out for the children gathering worship and games.
After that went out with church members to house visit. 2 families only though (and I wasn't talking at all...) Was the 2nd group who reached church so hurriedly went to bathe. I have absolutely no desire to 'snatch' or wait for the bathroom with 20 plus people.
Went for dinner after that. Was delicious~ Yummy. Went back to churh after that. They started to bathe and then had sharing session. After which was told to sleep. Started playing cards with friends. The children came ovr though and we decided to play after they fell asleep... which is around 2300? 0000? There was karaoke outside church too and music was super loud.
Played till around 0100 and all was tired so just decided to sleep.
Saturday - 22/11/08 (Going back to Singapore!)Set alarm for 0715 but woke up at around 0700. Washed up and packed my things. Then went for breakfast with them. Almost left my wan tan mee untouched. There was like more than half a bowl left or something. Just had no appetite...
Went back to church, prayed and left for some fruit garden (果园? (direct translation) ). Weather was like super hot and they used NATURAL FERTILIZERS which in other words is animal manure. It stank but thankfully it was only for a short part of the journey. There was a guy explaining all the fruits and all but I paid 0% attention to him.
After that there was a pond where the tour guide said that there were 999 Koi inside. Children went to feed the fish and the fish were like fighting hard for food. Continued on and there was a mini zoo inside. There were goats and kids and once again the children bought food to feed them. There were rabbits and ducks and ostrich and ...... The funny thing is, there was 2 owls and 1 rooster in 1 big cage separated by a wire netting in the middle. It's like Day and Night. The rooster was like crowing and crowing while the owls were like closing their eyes and trying to sleep or staring at people.
Left after that. Went on board bus and went to have lunch. The food is super nice. Even nicer than yesterday's night dinner. Or maybe equally as good. But there were too many dishes for yesterday night's dinner. Didn't manage to finish off the food yesterday night.
After that headed back to singapore. Made me feel that Singapore government DID do a good job of Singapore and the living stardard in Singapore is really quite high. Grown closer yet to my friends in Church, especially Phebe, Christopher and Zheng Xiang. Really had lots of fun with them on this trip. =) =)
I needed Jesus @ | 7:37 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A quick post before I set off for Malaysia tomorrow! (Coming back on Saturday evening). Rebonded my hair today. Read like 2 and a half storybooks during the long long 4 hours. Quite pleased when done. It looks kinda weird but I guess I'll adjust to it soon enough.
Just had a conversation with Rain and ah gong. For those who duno, they are CRAZY over the stick man (ATTENTION: stick man is 2 words with ONE space in between. (that's wad they told me off for!)). Ah gong and Rain also change very the fast lor. Yesterday they were quarrelling about who stick man love more. Today they scolding me say I hurt stick man. Good gracious.
Going off to bed le... Gonna finish packing 2moro morning. :X
I needed Jesus @ | 11:28 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Symposium's over but I still dun wanna do holidays homework... Haiz. If I chiong all the holiday homework on last week before school reopen (as most of the time), I confirm die. No idea what the science homework is about. Too lazy to do maths homework. And see Chinese homework want to faint le. So conclusion = didn't touch any holidays homework. Enjoying holidays (besides the no pocket money part) alot. Like no stress then everyday can sleep late and wake up late. =D Not looking forward to school reopening at all. Hope will be able to adapt to that busy busy lifestyle again after school reopen. So fast la, next year sec 3 le... T.T where did sec 1 and sec 2 go??? Going to rebond(or howeva you spell it) hair 2moro so dun have to tie hair wheneva I go out. Cos now if dun tie like some crazy person like that... Got to sit like for 4h or more like that then finish though so I think I'll be so BORED. Should've gone to the library borrow some books before this. Good thing is, it'll last for around a year before have to rebond my hair. Hahas.
I needed Jesus @ | 8:12 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Back from Symposium duty!!! Was supposed to do 1st shift only but decided to stay for 2nd shift as well. I'm not the only 1 though =D Zen yee and Jia Qi stayed back too. I didn't do much... Just went to Hall and started reading Kay Ying's storybook. Hehehehe.
Went up to control room (or wadeva tat's called :X) to find ah gong. She go lock door then I duno how to unlock la... Then suddenly so many people come in lor. Went to find chloe at the end of the symposium when they packing up in hall. She so cute la.
Still very hyper today (not stress this time). Symposium is finally over!!! Dun have to wake up early tomorrow! Yippeeeeeee~ Hope that my photos can make it... Many thanks to siranath, Glen and yu hui for helping out today esp during 1st shift!
Very hyper after symposium finished... Madam Liew came in and said that we did a good job and siranath and tuck heng go say "hello" to her... ... They were like super scared when saw her coming.
Walked with Yu Hui to busstop. Waved goodbye to Casper but his hands busy then never wave back... Then cos Zen Yee already got on bus but bus is at traffic light. Then Yu Hui ask me want to chase after the bus say goodbye to Zen Yee or not. Felt hyper still so I agreed. Ran and caught up then waved goodbye to Zen Yee. Was laughing like hell la. Think I feeling a bit siao after symposium. Hahahaha.
I needed Jesus @ | 9:04 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
Went to school on today and last Fri. Spent almost the whole day there but actually never do alot... Tomorrow will be like crucial or something. Lord bless me that I may take good shots... Kinda stressful for me too... It's like a huge event and I'm the IC for the 1st shift... T.T
Not gonna care. Just try my best. If that's not good enough then wait for scolding from Mr Tang? Hope that's not going to happen. Have to report tomorrow at 7am. Now feeling very sleepy so can't really think straight.
Anyway, today was more fun compared to last Friday. I was quite hyper with Yu Hui. It's a good way to laugh and forget about symposium even if juz for a while. And I dun like the symposium t-shirt... I think that the xinthesis t-shirt was nicer. =( Was looking forward to a nice t-shirt too... Haiz.
I can't make much sense out of this post... Feeling too sleepy. Going to go sleep now~
I needed Jesus @ | 11:18 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh well, streaming results are out. Got into 1B2 (triple science with pure geog and hist+ss). Am happy that I got into my 1st choice but a bit worried though. Wonder if I can cope. And and and I wanna noe my class!!! Hopefully they'll mix different combinations together. =) Got to buy the books soon and they'll definitely not cheap. Science along cost $90+. And I can bet the textbook is super duper thick. Gosh, what if my bag is heavier than this year's? Unbelievable... 1st thing 1st, have to clear this year's stuff. Yay! I can throw away 1 year's worth Friday Weekly! hahahaha. Cai Lao Shi didn't want us to so... Spring cleaning time! (my mum sure hope so) Gotta start on holidays homework (hopefully) soon...
I needed Jesus @ | 3:39 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday - 9/11/08Didn't know where to go after church and spent like... 15min trying to decide where to go. We were at the MRT station looking at the stops when a guy was like following us or something. My friend got a bit scared but he didn't follow us into the MRT when we entered. In the end we headed for Kovan to bowl. The person at the counter told us to wait for half an hour before we can get a lane. We decided to wait and went to the arcade next door. Mostly watched other people play though. After waiting half an hour we went to ask about it and the person told us to wait for another hour! Was like... Wow, the waiting time doesn't decrease. It increases... FINALLY a lane was avaliable and we went and played 1 match. So funny lar, keep on cannot sense our bowling balls. It turned out that I wasn't last. =) I was 3rd out of 4 people. Hahas. Though I only got... erm... 56 i think. Didn't get any strike but at least got 1 spare I think. (It's very good that I didn't try to be the bowling ball, fall down, and roll down the lane...) After that went to eat dinner and went home so it was pretty fun la... Monday - 10/11/08 Had to go to school today for symposium rehearsal. Supposed to arrive at school at 9.15am but I set wrong time so woke up at 9am. Or it's actually jumped up. Managed to get ready in 5 min and left for school. Arrived in school 5 minutes late at 9.20am. Thank goodness that I have the habit of setting the clock in my house 5 minutes later if not I confirmed even later. Went there, got ready the logistics for symposium and did maintanace. After that accompanied Yu Hui to eat lunch and then left for home...
I needed Jesus @ | 1:19 PM
Had CCA today again... But tomorrow no CCA! So I'm quite happy =) =). Arrived in computer lab 2 at 9.50am or something like that... Had to edit some photos so yeah... After that Plato came in and taught us to create something like a 'lightball'.
Maybe he should have taught someone else instead since I like half forgotten what he taught already. XD Hahahahas. Didn't manage to do what he said though. Something weird about my computer so I gave up.
Syafiqah and Irdianty came in and 'visited' us again though. :D Zai Cheng and Zen Yee had nothing better to do so they spammed Syafiqah's blog. Then they had soooo much fun that they started spamming Yu Hui, Vivian and my blog too. (We all managed to delete the spam already) In turn, Yu Hui and Vivian spammed their blog too. Hahas. After that went to Vanessa's house and had lots of fun~ ^.^
I needed Jesus @ | 7:13 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Had CCA today. Went to Media Factory with Vivian today. 1st time I went into Media Factory... The air smelt musty though, think is due to no vendilation for goodness know how long. After that Darius called Zen Yee and asked us to go back to Computer Lab 2... He asked us look for picture to edit and we took like so long cos it was so difficult to find la.
Plato and Siranath came down after their physics lessons and Plato set a test and asked us to remove some words on a shirt and paste a picture on it... Quite funny la, everybody also so blur, duno what to do. Hahas.
Asked Siranath for his phone and saved my contact in myself... Cos I asked him like 5 times before and he like never save... Now he wun be asking me who I am the next time I sms him... Lols.Went home and played Pokemon for hours... (It's fun ok!) =P8 more days till we know our streaming results...
I needed Jesus @ | 6:46 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
This is going to be a short post. Did nothing much in the morning today. Just received a random call from a random person who can't hear properly. Might be my phone or her. Who knows. Anyway, she was here to do a survey on Handphones. She sounded like some China person though. Good Chinese. Going for piano lesson soon... Haiz. Still have to do the homework but is kinda lazy. It's pouring outside now. That's all for now. Bye~
I needed Jesus @ | 1:40 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hey, I finished the blog skin and tag board within a few hours! =D (That wasn't too bad. It's considered very good with my current IT knowledge) ) Many many thanks to fly and Vivan for helping me. Couldn't have done it otherwise.
Today had to wake up early to go back to school for CCA... Was quite angry yesterday night when I received the sms from Vivian that there is CCA. I mean, it's the HOLIDAYS. Isn't it time for a break? Though CCA does help me to spend time more meaningfully.
So back to CCA. Did logistic and maintenance for like half an hour while chatting with the other Sec 2 photo members (Vivian, Casper, Zai Cheng, Zen Yee) so was quite ok. After that waited for Plato to come and teach us photoshop. He came after some time and taught us a little. After which he left for lessons.
He came back with Siranath after that and started teaching us. Was laughing super hard cos they were very funny. Vivian's ears turned RED. Got dismissed late and went home after that. So all in all had quite a fun time except that Yu Hui wasn't there. However, there's still CCA on thurs and fri. Haiz.
I needed Jesus @ | 8:55 PM
*.* Hellos *.*
Hello to all! First off, I want to thank Vivian for helping me in setting up this blog... Currently trying to figure out how to get a blog skin and am seriously irritated by it. Despite Vivian's help and explanation, an error keep on occurring. Maybe should stick to this template...
This blog was actually set up cos my CCA friends asked me to and I happen to have plenty of free time on hand. Think it will be some time before I actually figure out how to do up my blog so maybe you could check it out later?
And blogger actually said, "Keep in mind that Blogger's Layouts feature makes it easy for anyone to customize the look of their blog with little or no technical knowledge. " Yeah, right. NOT.
I needed Jesus @ | 7:09 PM